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  • Writer's pictureMs. Vaz

Lesson 4: Bar Graphs, Take 2!

Mental Math

To start your day, begin by spending about 30 minutes playing one of the mental math games that are posted! You can find these under the tab in the top right hand corner labelled "Mental Math".

Rewind, Back to Our Neighbourhood Walk!

Today we are going to take a look again at those tally charts we made based on what we saw on our neighbourhood walk, and we are going to use them to create a bar graph. If you and your student want a refresher, you are encouraged to re-watch the bar graph introduction video and bar graph song from our last lesson together! Using your tally chart from your walk and the bar graph template below (or a piece of paper to draw it on), have fun creating another bar graph together!

Reflecting on Our Graph

After you have completed your bar graph, let's take a few minutes to answer some questions about the data. Work with your student to answer the following 5 questions:

  1. What did you see the most of?

  2. Did you see more cars than people? If so, how many more cars did you see?

  3. What did you see the least of?

  4. Which category did you see the second most of?

  5. What was the difference between what you saw the most of and what you saw the least of?

Final Moments

You're almost done! Now that you have answered the questions above, it's time to make your own questions. Work with your student to help them come up with at least 3 questions that they could ask someone about their graph.

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